CISI International Introduction to Securities and Investments

Investment/Wealth Management

Intake Open - Register Today

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This qualification provides a comprehensive introduction to the financial services industry with a specific focus on investments from a global perspective.  It is the first step in the CISI’s qualification pathway, and it is taken by many practitioners as it is the foundation exam for higher level CISI qualifications.

The qualification covers key financial principles and products including assets and markets, equities, bonds, derivatives,  investment funds, retirement planning, loans, mortgages and life assurance.

It explores the broader economic environment in which the financial services industry operates and looks at how economic activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems.  This qualification offers a first introduction to financial services regulation focusing on financial crime, insider trading and market abuse, and provides candidates with an understanding of ethical behaviour and acting with integrity.


It is intended for new entrants and staff who are beginning their career in the financial services industry.  The broad topics covered make the qualification suitable for all staff, not just those responsible for making investment decisions, including administration, finance and accounting, IT, customer service, sales and marketing and HR and training.

There are no specific entry requirements

Step 1:  Download registration form (intake currently closed)

Step 2:  Fill in and send by email to [email protected]

Step 3:  Effect payment

Step 4:  Upon receipt of payment registration is processed.

UNIT 1: Introduction to Securities & Investment

  • Element 1: Introduction
    • The Financial Services Industry
  • Element 2: Economic Development
    • Economic Environment
  • Element 3:
    • Financial Assets and Markets
    • Cash Deposits
    • Money Market Instruments
    •  Property
    • Foreign Exchange Market
    • Derivatives/Commodity Markets
    • World Stock Markets
  • Element 4: Equities
    • Equities
  • Element 5: Bonds
    • Government Bonds
    • Corporate Bonds



  • Element 6: Derivatives
    • Introduction
    • Futures
    • Options
    • SWAPS
    • Derivatives Uses
  • Element 7: Investment Funds
    • Introduction
    • Unit Trusts
    • Open Ended Investment Companies
    • Pricing
    • Dealing & Settlement
    • Investment Trusts
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts
    • Exchange-Traded Funds
    • Hedge Funds
  • Element 8: Financial Services Regulation
    • Financial Services and Markets Act
    • Financial Crime
    • Insider Dealing and Market Abuse
    • Data Protection Act 1998
    • Breaches
    • Complaints and Compensation
  • Element 9: Other Financial Products

Title: CISI International Introduction to Securities and Investments Fees:
CISI One time registration Fee:
Certification Fee: €326
Resit Fee: €188

Prices valid till 31 March 2025

*The above fees include examination sitting, pdf workbooks and certification.

This course is eligible for the following funding schemes

Get Qualified Scheme

Get Qualified is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to a certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate degree courses. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from up to 70% tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

More Information

Course Interest/Query Form

This is the start of a great journey!

For further clarifications, or if you are interested to join this course, please fill in the form and submit. We will get in touch with you at the soonest opportunity.

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Published on Thursday, 20th March 2025

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          IFS Malta is licensed to deliver and award further and higher education programmes by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) bearing license number 2013-FHI-017