Diploma in Anti Money Laundering is ICA flagship qualification and the industry-standard for MLROs and professionals managing money laundering risk.
The Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA) is a highly relevant programme of study that develops the knowledge required and enhances skills and practical understanding needed to operate in the field of financial advice.
The aim of this qualification is to provide attendees with the knowledge and skills required to analyse and respond to emerging ESG issues within their business organisation.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core compliance issues.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core money laundering and terrorist financing risks.
Diploma in Anti Money Laundering is ICA flagship qualification and the industry-standard for MLROs and professionals managing money laundering risk.
The Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA) is a highly relevant programme of study that develops the knowledge required and enhances skills and practical understanding needed to operate in the field of financial advice.
The aim of this qualification is to provide attendees with the knowledge and skills required to analyse and respond to emerging ESG issues within their business organisation.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core compliance issues.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core money laundering and terrorist financing risks.
Diploma in Anti Money Laundering is ICA flagship qualification and the industry-standard for MLROs and professionals managing money laundering risk.
The Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA) is a highly relevant programme of study that develops the knowledge required and enhances skills and practical understanding needed to operate in the field of financial advice.
The Institute of Financial Services Malta (ifs Malta) is the premier provider of educational services for the banking and financial services profession in Malta. With close to sixty years of experience, ifs Malta remains at the forefront of promoting and fostering professionalism among financial services practitioners through the provision of an array of courses, ranging from short technical qualifications to Masters level degrees and through encouraging continuous professional development.
Formerly known as the Chartered Institute of Bankers – Malta branch, the Institute saw its inception on the 16th December 1961.
ifs Malta’s core membership is of employees within the banking sector, furnishing the institute with access to the most adequately trained, knowledgeable and specialised people within the fields of finance on local, national and trans-national levels. The institute has strong links with all the main institutions on the island as well as with similar like-minded organisations, constituted bodies, financial regulators and the Maltese Government.
ifs Malta also liaises directly with The London Institute of Banking and Finance, The Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments (CISI), International Compliance Association (ICA), Bangor University and the Chartered Banker Institute (CIOBS), and the European Banking and Financial Services Association (EBTN). A number of academic qualifications are offered in collaboration with these organisations.
The Institute is also active in organising seminars and events on topics of national interest with the aim of keeping its members abreast of the latest European, national and sectoral developments related to financial services in collaboration with local institutes.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core compliance issues.
The Award in Maltese Home Loan Finance is a qualification created to cater for the needs of the local financial services environment by upskilling professionals in this important area and satisfying a regulatory requirement.
The aim of this qualification is to provide attendees with the knowledge and skills required to analyse and respond to emerging ESG issues within their business organisation.
Combating Financial Crime, developed in collaboration with QCo, provides a global view of transnational crime.
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