The Chartered Banker MBA

MQF Level 7


Intake Open - Register Today

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Designed for busy professionals, the course emphasises professional and vocational development, enhancing the understanding and application of those skills required in the 21st century banking and financial services. It is a ground-breaking new dual award qualification jointly awarded by a UK University and a Professional Body.

The MBA experience brings together high level skills and knowledge from an Internationally recognised University and centre of Research Excellence with the professional and managerial competencies of a World leading Professional Institution dedicated to the profession of Banking. It is a qualification that combines everything demanded in the new, post-crisis banking environment. The programme is aimed at senior individuals in banks and other financial services firms, or those seeking to join the industry, who wish to extend their knowledge and understanding and to acquire the skills to cope with the change in the ever-evolving financial services industry.

This high-level and intensive learning experience combines generic MBA disciplines (such as marketing, human resources and strategic management) with more specialist subjects such as Risk Management, Credit and Lending and Financial Crisis & Regulation, to reflect the modern banking and finance practice. The diverse Chartered Banker MBA experience for bankers also makes this dual award of wider interest to any professional concerned with or interested in global banking and financial services.

When undertaking the Full CB MBA students are required to study 8 compulsory and 4 elective modules, with the latter offering a choice of any four out of a range of  various subjects. Applicants with an approved professional qualification maybe granted exemptions and admitted on the Accelerated Stream. For example, a professional qualified practitioner is only required to undertake 4 compulsory and 3 elective modules. Applicants with a recognised Masters qualification may be admitted on the Super Accelerated route, with the requirement to enrol on 3 compulsory and 1 elective module. Suitably qualified and experienced practitioners with Executive level of experience may also be considered for the Super Accelerated route. These will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Financial service professionals who wish to improve their practical understanding of bank management and technology.




Candidates are assessed on an individual basis.  As an example, entry to the full programme would normally require a good undergraduate degree or possession of an approved qualification and practical experience.

Individuals who do not have a formal degree or professional qualification, but who have several years of approved management experience will also be considered.  Candidates may wish to submit the C.V. for assessment to confirm eligibility for a specific route.


Title: The Chartered Banker MBA Fee
Full Programme TBA
Accelerated Routes TBA
Super Accelerated Programme TBA
Chartered Banker single module TBA

This course is eligible for the following funding schemes

Get Qualified Scheme

Get Qualified is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to a certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate degree courses. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from up to 70% tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

More Information

Course Interest/Query Form

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For further clarifications, or if you are interested to join this course, please fill in the form and submit. We will get in touch with you at the soonest opportunity.

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Latest News

Published on Thursday, 20th March 2025

On 13th March 2025, Mr Peter Calleya, Mr Mark Agius and Mr Joseph Agius of IFS Malta participated at the Micres project meeting held in Milan, Italy.

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          IFS Malta is licensed to deliver and award further and higher education programmes by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) bearing license number 2013-FHI-017