Ifs Malta President, Peter Calleya commenced the proceedings with a welcome address to attendees as the elected 15th President of the Institute which has a rich history of over 60 years. From the Institute’s achievements, Mr Calleya highlighted the graduation ceremony which took place earlier in the year for some 200 students. During this event there were the first graduates of the degree level Award in ESG, an academic programme offered in collaboration with the University of Malta. Other activities included various seminars and bespoke training programmes.
The Institute is currently offering financial and academic programmes ranging from Certificate to Master’s level in more than 30 distinct areas of study, most of which are done through strategic alliances with internationally renowned professional educational bodies. One of our esteemed courses in collaboration with the University of Malta, aims to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to analyse and address emerging ESG issues in their organizations. The module covers the fundamentals of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), including how this information assesses risks, identifies opportunities, and guides corporate actions influenced by stakeholders and investors.
Mr Calleya thanked all stakeholders for their contribution and ongoing support to the Institute and acknowledged the ongoing cooperation with the European Banking and Financial Services Training Association whose Board member, Ken O’Sullivan from the Institute of Bankers, Ireland was in attendance and the strong alliance and long-standing relationship with the London Institute of Banking and Finance and International Compliance Association who were represented at the event by Mr Rob Thompson and Mr Tim Tyler respectively. (Click here for more information) IFS Annual Dinner 2023 – Press Release v1.0 (002)
The aim of this qualification is to provide attendees with the knowledge and skills required to analyse and respond to emerging ESG issues within their business organisation.
A practical, introductory-level course that will give you a solid understanding of core compliance issues.
The Award in Maltese Home Loan Finance is a qualification created to cater for the needs of the local financial services environment by upskilling professionals in this important area and satisfying a regulatory requirement.
The main objective of this training course is to provide a solid background of the local regulatory framework.
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