LIBF Certificate in Retail and Digital Banking (CertRDB)


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The retail banking sector is facing an unprecedented level of change from digital disruption, changing customer expectations, innovation, data usage and new ways to do banking. The Certificate in Retail and Digital Banking (CertRDB) has been designed to set a new independent standard in customer service excellence by providing front-line staff with the required knowledge of regulatory requirements, products, services and delivery channels to operate effectively in this fast-changing environment.

Objectives CertRDB has been specifically designed to assist banks in preparing their front-line staff to work within a transforming industry to achieve better informed outcomes for their business, their customers and themselves. This qualification aims to equip learners with essential knowledge of the financial services environment, regulatory requirements and the key principles of providing customer service excellence.


You will be assessed across both units within this qualification. Each unit is assessed through a one hour multiple-choice examination. A total of 80 marks are available from both units, comprised as follows:

Unit One: The Delivery of Retail and Digital Banking: 50 standalone MCQs ·
Unit Two: Assessing Customer Needs and Providing Solutions: 30 MCQs connected to six case studies (five questions per case study).

The unit pass mark is 70%, and you must achieve the minimum pass mark in each unit. The structure of the assessment ensures that all aspects of the course content are subject to external examination.

Key content areas

  • New and emerging bank business models, retail products and services.
  • Changing customer expectations and behaviours and the implications for customer delivery channels.
  • Digital innovation in retail banking and how banks deliver products, sales, marketing and customer support through different channel experiences.
  • The impact of enabling technologies on bank processes (e.g. credit assessment, payments, money transmission).
  • The capture, analysis and use of customer data by banks.
  • Digital influences in financial services and the risk implications for banks.
  • How regulation and legislation affect financial services organisations and their customers.

Course Fee

Title: Certificate in Retail and Digital Banking (CertRDB) Fee
Registration and certification: Eur540
Resit: Eur225


This course is eligible for the following funding schemes

Get Qualified Scheme

Get Qualified is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to a certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate degree courses. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from up to 70% tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

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Training Pays Scheme

The scheme offers assistance in the form of a training grant to aid participants with costs relating to training. This grant will be awarded to the individual (trainee) after successful completion of their training. The Scheme is open to applicants of working age population 16 to 64 years as per applicable law. In the case of persons aged between 16 and 24, they must not be participating under the Youth Guarantee NEET Activation Scheme II.

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Course Interest/Query Form

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For further clarifications, or if you are interested to join this course, please fill in the form and submit. We will get in touch with you at the soonest opportunity.

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Latest News

Published on Thursday, 20th March 2025

On 13th March 2025, Mr Peter Calleya, Mr Mark Agius and Mr Joseph Agius of IFS Malta participated at the Micres project meeting held in Milan, Italy.

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          IFS Malta is licensed to deliver and award further and higher education programmes by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) bearing license number 2013-FHI-017