ICA Diploma in Governance, Risk & Compliance

AML, Compliance & Financial Crime

Intake Open - Register Today

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New technologies are changing many aspects of role of the compliance professional.

Fintech and Regtech are now embedded in compliance lexicon, but what do the terms actually mean, and what are the practical impacts, both positive and negative, that we need to understand and manage? The ICA Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance helps you to answer these questions and apply the answers directly within your organisation.

This course gives you a broad understanding of the regulatory environment as well as the specialist skills and knowledge to be able to identify and manage key regulatory risks today and in the future.

  • Get to grips with the nuances of the regulatory environment and how these impact your organisation
  • Understand why promoting a positive compliance culture is not just good for compliance but good for business
  • Explore how to maximise the benefits of emerging technologies
  • Develop your inter-personal skills so you can be the best Compliance Manager
  • Learn from the experiences of compliance professionals from other firms and sectors and share ideas

ICA qualifications, where stated, are awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester.


  • Compliance Officers/Managers and their Deputies
  • Managers with responsibility for internal compliance controls
  • Risk Managers
  • Internal Audit Staff
  • Regulatory Representatives
  • Individuals who completed the ICA Advanced Certificate in Regulatory Compliance
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Company Secretaries


Sound educational background, e.g. degree or professional qualification in an appropriate discipline


Attainment of an ICA Advanced Certificate


Three years relevant work experience


Step 1: Request a registration form by contacting us

Step 2:  Fill in and send by email to [email protected]

Step 3:  Effect payment

Institute of Financial Services

A/C Holder:  Institute of Financial Services – Malta

Bank: BOV  Republic Street Valletta

A/C No: 10207225018

IBAN No: MT39VALL22013000000010207225018

BIC (Swift Code): VALLMTMT

Step 4:  Upon receipt of payment registration is processed

Title: ICA Diploma in Governance, Risk & Compliance Fee
ICA Membership: €150.00
ICA Diploma in GRC €4,376.28


This course is eligible for the following funding schemes

Get Qualified Scheme

Get Qualified is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to a certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate degree courses. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from up to 70% tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

More Information

Course Interest/Query Form

This is the start of a great journey!

For further clarifications, or if you are interested to join this course, please fill in the form and submit. We will get in touch with you at the soonest opportunity.

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Latest News

Published on Thursday, 20th March 2025

On 13th March 2025, Mr Peter Calleya, Mr Mark Agius and Mr Joseph Agius of IFS Malta participated at the Micres project meeting held in Milan, Italy.

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          IFS Malta is licensed to deliver and award further and higher education programmes by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) bearing license number 2013-FHI-017